5 screen video installation, printed documents of the interview, a column, and a single screen video of interviews
10min. - 20min. (each video), 2hrs. (interviews)
Koizumi made an installation work with 15 teenagers who live in the suburb of Paris.
All of them have origins in ex-colonies. Since the terrorist attacks of 2015, French Ministry of Defense is focusing on these teenagers to join the army. First, Koizumi tried to find out what they are really thinking, and how they are responding to the situation.
Then he asked them to be on the stage for a whole day to capture them to create a “theatre” where their bodies, imaginations, and culture start to speak their own language and their own stories.
Exhibition History
2021 South South Tokyo , MUJIN-TO Production, Tokyo, Japan
2018 12th Shanghai Biennale, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China
2018 Le nouveau souffle juste après la tempête, Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne [MAC VAL] Val-de-Marne, France
Public Collections
Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne [MAC VAL] Val-de-Marne, France