The Art of Awakening (2005)

Three men are called to a location that resembles a laboratory, and the artist, standing behind the camera, asks them a question: "Do you want to feel the Freedom of Spirit?" The subjects of the experiment answer in the positive. The men are then ordered to pick up "the stick" that's on the floor and to poke "the thing" with it. The stick doesn't appear on the screen for some time, and all we can hear is the constant, repetitive sound of rubbing. The possibilities of the observer's imagination begin to oddly unfold as "the thing" continues to remain unrevealed.
(from the catalogue of solo exhibition: MAM project: Meiro Koizumi at Mori Art Museum)

I created this work at a time when I was very much aware of the systematized freedom that exists in the Netherlands, and it addresses the relationship between personal autonomy and film media. The question "Do you want to feel the Freedom of Spirit?" was not only directed at the actors but also at the viewers. I wanted to create a work that would function as a masturbation device of the moving images.